This is a sustainable and powerful therapy concept for individuals who have suffred strokes, traumatic brain injuries or neurological disorders resulting in hand and arm impairment. Despite the patient’s disorder, research suggests that the neural plasticity of the brain is retained and new connections can be made through intensive, repetitive, task-oriented movements. These exercises assist the gradual reorganization of the brain, which subsequently allows the restoration of movement and functionality to the affcted parts. Clinical trials also indicate that therapies are more effctive if the patient initiates the exercise and remains motivated through the often lengthy rehabilitation process, a recovery period in which one-to-one therapist attention may not be economically viable. Using this clinical evidence as a basis, the Armeo Therapy Concept has been developed. It comprises three features and a modular line of three Armeo products, all driven from a single software platform. The result is a comprehensive therapy concept which addresses different patient and therapeutic needs across the whole “Continuum of Rehabilitation”, from the beginning of the rehabilitation process through to home therapy.The Armeo Therapy Concept improves the effiency of therapy treatments because the exercises are self-initiated, self-directed, functional and intense. Even severely impaired patients can practice independently, without the constant presence of a therapist, allowing patients to exploit their full potential for recovery.
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